Once they’re installed, homeowners often forget carrying out routine maintenance of their air conditioning units. They become appliances that are taken for granted. Most people believe that the systems will work perfectly well without proper care.

At Endeavour Air Conditioning, we believe that besides preventing and minimising problems later down the track, routine maintenance of air-conditioning units has several other payoffs as well, including:

  • Lower energy consumption means reduced electric bills
  • Reduced maintenance costs in the lost run
  • Cooler and cleaner air

Tips for Air Conditioning Maintenance

1. Filter Cleaning

When the filters of air-conditioning units are blocked or obstructed by debris, it decreases the intake of air into these units. It increases the power consumption to compensate.  Routine cleaning of filters ensures that the air runs smoothly through the unit. In turn, this helps to keep electric use down to a minimum.

You will need your AC to perform optimally during the summer months. For peak energy efficiency have the air filter cleaned every two weeks. Here are a few tips on how to clean the filter:

  • Use a vacuum cleaner to get rid of the dust in the filter, or wash the screen in warm water. If it’s excessively dirty, use some natural detergent as well. Note- You should avoid using hot water while cleaning the filter.
  • Dry the filter, but keep it away from direct sunlight.
  • Change the air purifying filter every three years, and wash it in water every six months.

2. The Cooling Fan

To keep your energy consumption down to a minimum, regular cleaning of the cooling fan (at the back of the unit) is essential.  Once summer starts, inspect your fan for dirt and contact a licensed professional to have it cleaned if you notice any.

Maintenance of Exterior Air Conditioning Units

  • Use a soft cloth to clean the air outlet and exterior. Use warm water and add natural detergent to clean dirt build-up. Dry your air-conditioning unit using a dry cloth.
  • Avoid using harsh cleaning agents, sponges, or cloths to clean the exterior.
  • Only use warm soapy water for cleaning purposes.

These simple maintenance tips can go a long way in ensuring that your air-conditioning system functions well right through the summer. For any more information, feel free to call Endeavour Air Conditioning at (02) 9199 0372 or send us your queries through this Contact Us form, and we will respond shortly.